Magnum MS2000-20B Inverter/Charger

Magnum MS2000-20B Inverter/Charger

On the market, you can find thousands power inverters that look identical to each other. Now please check the Magnum MS2000-20B inverter that looks totally apart from the crowd. Yes, it has a unique design from the outside that will surely catch your attentions.

The Magnum inverter/charger is solidly built so it is a robust unit. It will surely withstand any outer strokes, bumps and other similar stuffs.

Also, the uniquely designed power inverter delivers 2000 watts output power. Using this 2000W power, you will be able to run several appliances at the same time. To connect it with a battery, you need a 12V battery because it requires 12V DC input power, which is further converted to 110V AC power.

The 12V/100A inverter and charger can solve most of your remote power requirements because it delivers good performance and the 2000W power is huge to run most of the appliances.

The Magnum 2000W power inverter is highly protective because it has 20 breakers and transfer relay mechanism. It also features an LED indicator and an optional remote control.

If you have bought this power inverter, you will be enjoying your life because it offers seamless AC power to a wide range of appliances. You will be able to connect any 110V appliance you want. Please make sure that total output power draw does not exceed its total capacity that is 2000W.

Magnum MS2000-20B Inverter/Charger is easy to install. However, you have to follow four steps. According to the manufacturer, you need to connect the inverter to your distribution circuits then connect your shore power cable to the inverter’s easy-to-reach terminal block and then connect the batteries. After that, you need to switch on the power and start supplying electricity to your desired appliances.

About Inverter Review lets you read reviews on a wide range of power inverters and electrical appliances! You will be able to find a power inverter of your choice from small to large size inverters. So, if you need an in inverter for your vehicle, home or solar system, may serve you well.

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2800 Watt, 12V Inverter/125 Amp PFC Charger

2800 Watt, 12V Inverter/125 Amp PFC Charger

$2,153.05 @

Product Description

Output Power: 2,800W

Peak Watts: 3,900W

Output Voltage: 120 VAC

Output Current: 23.3 amps

Output Waveform: Pure Sine

Output Frequency: 60 Hz

Product Details
Brand: Magnum Energy
Price: $2,153.05
2800 Watt, 12V Inverter/125 Amp PFC Charger

2800 Watt, 12V Inverter/125 Amp PFC Charger

2800 Watt, 12V Inverter/125 Amp PFC Charger

$1,884.43 @

Product Description

Package Dimensions: 11.46 L x 3.86 H x 7.24 W (inches)

Package Weight : 46.85 pounds

Country of Origin : China

Part number: MS2012

Product Details
Brand: Magnum Energy
Model #: MS2012
Dimensions: 12.65 X 8 X 13.75 Inches (Length X Width X Height)
Price: $1,884.43
Magnum MS2012 2000W Inverter 12V W/50A Pfc Charger

2800 Watt, 12V Inverter/125 Amp PFC Charger

2800 Watt, 12V Inverter/125 Amp PFC Charger

$1,298.94 @

Product Description

Hardwired a/C connections with transfer Relay

LED power indicator

Optional remote

ME2012 (ME2012-G, ME2012-U, ME2012-20B, ME2012-20B-U)

Output Frequency: 60 Hz

Product Details
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Model #: ME2012
Color: Black
Dimensions: 12.65 X 8 X 13.75 Inches (Length X Width X Height)
Price: $1,298.94
Magnum Energy ME2012 Inverter/Charger

2800 Watt, 12V Inverter/125 Amp PFC Charger

2800 Watt, 12V Inverter/125 Amp PFC Charger

$1,831.14 @

Product Description

Power factor corrected (pfc) Charger


Versatile mounting

Product Details
Brand: Magnum Energy
Model #: MS2000
Warranty: Manufacturer Warranty
Size: One Size
Color: white
Dimensions: 19 X 15 X 13 inches (Length X Width X Height)
Price: $1,831.14
Inv/Chgr, 2000W 12V 100A True-Sine

2800 Watt, 12V Inverter/125 Amp PFC Charger

2800 Watt, 12V Inverter/125 Amp PFC Charger

$1,122.97 @

Product Description

Product Details
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Model #: ME201220B
Dimensions: 13.75 X 12.65 X 8 Inches (Length X Width X Height)
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Product Description

Part number: MM1212

Package Weight: 10.569 kilograms

Included components: item and manual

Package Dimensions: 17.78 L x 50.165 H x 27.305 W (centimeters)

Product Details
Brand: Magnum Energy
Model #: MM1212
Warranty: 1 Year Limited
Dimensions: 11.46 X 7.24 X 3.86 Inches (Length X Width X Height)
Price: $929.99
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2800 Watt, 12V Inverter/125 Amp PFC Charger

2800 Watt, 12V Inverter/125 Amp PFC Charger

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Product Description

Product Details
Brand: Magnum Energy
Model #: MS2012-L-U
Color: White
Dimensions: 1 X 1 X 1 Inches (Length X Width X Height)
Price: $2,034.79
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2800 Watt, 12V Inverter/125 Amp PFC Charger

2800 Watt, 12V Inverter/125 Amp PFC Charger

$2,079.99 @

Product Description

Versatile mounting


Multiple ports

Convenient switches


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Dimensions: 16 X 16 X 16 Inches (Length X Width X Height)
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2800 Watt, 12V Inverter/125 Amp PFC Charger

2800 Watt, 12V Inverter/125 Amp PFC Charger

$2,899.99 @

Product Description

Inverts 12 Volt DC To 120 Volt AC; 3000 Watt Continuous Output Power/ 3900 Watt Peak Output; 25

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Dimensions: 13.75 X 12.65 X 8 Inches (Length X Width X Height)
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2800 Watt, 12V Inverter/125 Amp PFC Charger

2800 Watt, 12V Inverter/125 Amp PFC Charger

$1,049.99 @ (Save 12%)

Product Description

Product Type: Fishing Equipment

Item Package Dimensions: 49.53 L X 26.924 W X 17.78 H (Cm)

Country Of Origin: China

Item Package Weight: 11.589 kgs

Product Details
Brand: Magnum Energy
Model #: MMS1012-G
Color: Blue
Dimensions: 16.6 X 8.4 X 4.7 inches (Length X Width X Height)
Price: $1,049.99 (Save 12%)
Magnum Energy MMS1012-G Inverter/Charger,

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